This page contains a to do list of notable items that
must be completed within the time allotted, as well as a list of scheduled Astronomy
Club events,
In addition, we maintain the following prioritized lists of what we're working on this week, and what
we plan to do next week:
This week
- Pass out URLs to this site
- Check up on Star Party
- Try to arrange a plan with the COSI trip
Next week
- Work on Site
- Continue to work with Mrs. G on getting site linked to
- Try to find a club historian
- Make Astronomy Club Recruiting Video
Sunday 11/23/03, Beginning at 5:30 PM
Our second Star Party this year will be held at Senior Vice President Jesse
Backs house, and begin earlier in the evening due to the fact that sunset
currently takes place around 6:00 PM. Food and refreshments will be provided,
and if you request a map speak with either myself, Mrs. Baron, or optimally,
Jesse himself. Hope to see you there!
Thursday 11/13/03, During Channel One
Third Official Astronomy Club Meeting, we will discuss our next "Star Party"
as well as begin the ritual of passing out food to the members at each meeting,
to quench their hunger. A door prize will be given away, and discussions will
pertain to planning the COSI trip, as well as the vote results last month.
Also, this site will finally be released to the club (unofficially)
Wednesday 11/12/03, During Channel One
Officer Only Astronomy Club Meeting, we will be planning our next
"Star Party" as well as our meeting that Thursday. Location:: Room
112 (Earth and Space Science)
Tuesday 9/16/03, During Channel One
Freshman Introductory Course, Extracurricular Activities Focus. If
Interested in attending the booth, please contact one of our officers, who
will then relay the message to either myself or Mrs. Baron
Location:: Gymnasium
Tuesday 10/7/03, During Channel One
Officer Only Astronomy Club Meeting, we will be planning our next
"Star Party" as well as our meeting that Thursday. Location:: Room
112 (Earth and Space Science)
Thursday 10/9/03, During Channel One
Official Astronomy Club Meeting, all members should plan to attend.
Discussions will be both introduced by the agenda, as well as by the members.
Details will be given on the next "Star Party" as well as future
plans, and a summary of the "Moon To Mars Observation Event".
Location:: Room 112 (Earth and Space Science)